It’s the little things…
It’s the little things…

With our incredible residents doing their part during lockdowns, we thought it was a fantastic opportunity for us, the owners of the village, to say thank you.
Thank you for staying so positive. Thank you for looking out for each other. Thank you keeping our precious village a safe haven for all. Thank you for embracing the drive to get vaccinated. And thank you most of all for choosing Greenways as your home and making it such a special place, even in the most challenging of times.
Our village team prepared a small gesture for our resident community. A bottle of wine, some chocolates and something savoury. Hand delivered by owner and managing director, Robin Forster (and his daughter, Imogen, to lend a hand!) and all of the staff team to every resident to enjoy in the comfort of their own home. From us, to you - thank you.
As these challenging times continue, why not consider being part of a special, caring, supportive, inclusive and happy village community. Join us at Greenways. We’ll save a bottle of wine for your arrival!